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Dangerous Intersection Targeted By Community Group

Dangerous Intersection Targeted by Community Group

WEB Requests Safety Measures for Busy Intersection

Five Streets Converge, Creating Safety Concerns

At the Brooklyn end of the Jackie Robinson Parkway, where five streets converge, a dangerous intersection has become a major concern for residents. According to the advocacy group WEB (We Empower Brooklyn), the intersection poses significant safety risks to pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.

The intersection, which is located near on-ramps to the Jackie Robinson Parkway, experiences heavy traffic at all hours of the day. WEB members have documented numerous accidents and near-misses at the intersection, prompting them to demand action from city officials.

"This intersection is a ticking time bomb," said WEB President Evelyn Smith. "We've seen too many accidents and we're worried that someone is going to get seriously hurt or even killed if nothing is done."

WEB is calling for a number of safety measures to be implemented at the intersection, including:

  • Adding traffic signals to control the flow of traffic
  • Installing pedestrian crosswalks
  • Widening the sidewalks to make them more accessible
  • Improving visibility at the intersection

WEB is confident that these measures will make the intersection safer for everyone who uses it. The group is urging city officials to take action before a tragedy occurs.
